Prostatitis is an inflammatory process affecting the prostate gland. The reason for its occurrence is not fully understood, but there is an opinion that it develops by violating hemodynamics in the small pelvis. According to various statistics, this disease occurs in men aged 30 to 50 years.
Signs of prostatitis in men can be very diverse, but most often they are:
- Differs in the intensity of pain sensations in the small pelvis, because the prostate gland is quite strongly innervated. In addition, the pain can spread to the genitals, lower back or bladder.
- Urinary disorders in the form of pain, pain, urinary retention, imperative urge. Urine color, quantity and transparency may also change.
- Violations of the general condition, such as decreased performance, fever, dyspeptic disorders.
- Violation of sexual activity. They can manifest as decreased desire, erectile dysfunction and ejaculation, pain during ejaculation.
Complex treatment of prostatitis in men
In order for the treatment of prostatitis to be effective, it needs to be carried out for a long time and in a complex way, using various methods.Comprehensive treatment includes:
- drug therapy
- Treatment of prostatitis in men with folk remedies
- Physiotherapy
- A set of physical exercises
- Daily routine and proper nutrition
The amount and duration of prostatitis treatment will depend on the form of the disease, its severity and course. For example, the treatment of acute prostatitis should be aimed mainly at reducing the general condition of the patient. That is, first of all, it is necessary to anesthetize and stabilize the patient. This form of prostatitis requires hospitalization and emergency care for the patient. And the treatment of chronic prostatitis is more aimed at prolonging remission (the period of significant weakening of the symptoms of the disease). Patients with this form of the disease can receive treatment for prostatitis at home, and only in the period of exacerbation are treated in a medical institution. With the exacerbation of the disease, the patient must undergo a course of prostatitis treatment with massage, which greatly alleviates the condition and improves the function of the gland.
Which therapy to choose - traditional or folk?
Now many are asking:What is better to choose - phytotherapy or therapy using drugs?There is no definitive answer to this question, as both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.
- Conventional therapy has the advantage that it is used in a targeted manner. That is, it affects the infectious agent itself, destroys it, and thus stops the inflammatory process. Treatment of prostatitis at home with the help of such drugs is very simple if the process does not have a severe course and does not require constant medical supervision. But such therapy has its drawbacks, as many drugs have expressed side effects, as well as toxic effects on the body.
- Folk remedies in the treatment of prostatitis can also be widely used. Because many herbal medicines have expressed anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antispasmodic and analgesic effects. Also, they are often well tolerated by patients, without causing allergic reactions and other side effects. They can be used longer than drug therapy and still not get toxic effects. However, their downside is that they are extra. Running prostatitis in men cannot be cured with folk remedies, because they do not act on certain pathogens.
Important!As practice shows, the most effective treatment regimens are often those that include both drugs and alternative therapies. All elements in this scheme complement each other and lead to more effective treatment of prostatitis.

The most common traditional medicine recipe
- Using parsley. Recipe: 4 tablespoons of chopped parsley should be poured with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, and then strain. This infusion should be consumed 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day for a month.
Parsley contains a large number of micro and macro elements, as well as a large number of vitamins that help the body fight various inflammatory processes.
- For the treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma, it is very good to use pumpkin seeds in any form. It is easiest to grind the seeds into a powder and eat 2 tablespoons 2 hours before eating with a glass of warm water with honey. Such a procedure should be repeated for at least six months.
The seeds are also useful in other diseases of organs and body systems. Because pumpkin seeds contain a very large supply of zinc.
- Also, bee products are a very effective means by which the treatment of chronic prostatitis will proceed faster and easier. It is very easy to treat prostatitis with propolis. Propolis oil is dissolved in a small amount in half a glass of milk and consumed before meals. In addition, it is good to use honey and pollen as a remedy for prostatitis. Honey is taken 1 teaspoon 2-3 times a day, and pollen 1 dessert spoon 1 time a day.
- Treatment of prostatitis with herbs has proven itself well. This recipe is very popular: a collection of herbs such as chamomile, sage, thyme and linden in the amount of 2 tablespoons should be poured with 1 liter of boiled water and insisted for about 1 hour. This infusion should be poured into a container for the bathroom. Take a sitz bath in this infusion for 15 minutes every day for 1 month. Various enemas and douches are also widely used using various anti-inflammatory and restorative herbal preparations. Prostatitis after regular treatment with such fees will gradually disappear, and the general condition will improve.
Recommendations for proper treatment with folk remedies
In order for the treatment of prostatitis at home with folk remedies to be carried out correctly and most effectively,the following rules must be observed:
- Traditional medicine involves the preparation of decoctions, infusions and tinctures, which are usually filtered first and then consumed warm inside.
- If you combine herbal medicine and physiotherapy, then the therapeutic effect will be higher.
- For the preparation of tinctures, the upper part of the herbal plant is always used, and for decoction, the rhizome is used.
- For the infusion, the cooking time is no more than 15 minutes, and to prepare the decoction, you need to spend at least 1 hour.
- Keep in mind that many traditional medicines have astringent and tannic properties, so they should not be abused. Because they can stain the mouth and teeth.
- It is also advisable to prepare fresh infusions and tinctures every day, because over time they may lose their therapeutic effect.
If all these rules are strictly followed, then the therapeutic effect of such therapy will not last long.
Everyone knows very well that it is better to prevent any disease than to treat it. Of course, some people like expensive and unpleasant medicine. In addition, the diagnosis of prostatitis has several difficulties. The reason is that different types of prostatitis have similar symptoms and treatments. We offer to pay attention to some effective and simple methods, and if you are interested in your health, they will help.
Prevention of prostatitis - occupies an important place in the life and health of a modern man. Wrong diet, bad habits, irregular sex life and inactive work schedule damage us and our body. The prostate, among other things, can "react" to a harmful lifestyle. Therefore, in order not to treat such an unpleasant disease as prostatitis, it is advisable to listen to some advice.

Unfortunately, many men start thinking about their lifestyle only when they are sick. And it's really pointless. Health care should be lifelong and prioritized. In addition, preventive measures are quite simple, but at the same time effective.
- Regular exercise. There are simple gymnastics to train the muscles of the perineum. It will take no more than 10 minutes to complete, but the benefits of such an activity are priceless. Muscle contraction in this area will increase its blood supply, increase tone and protect against congestion in the prostate gland.
- Walk and walk. No one is calling you to run a marathon, but a regular walk of a few kilometers a day will do the trick.
- sex life. Be regular and with a sexual partner who is always confirmed. It is recommended not to interfere with sexual intercourse, as well as to use barrier methods of contraception.
- Take a shower. Contrast bath stimulates blood circulation and improves immunity.
- massage. And it doesn't have to be a prostate massage. Skillful impact on the lumbar region by the hands of a knowledgeable massage therapist will keep you organized.
- Diet. Fatty, spicy, sour food is the main enemy of health, adversely affecting the male body. A large number of such products in the diet can seriously damage your health. It is better to pay attention to seafood, vegetables, fruits, as well as seeds (pumpkin and sunflower) and walnuts.
Here are some delicious but healthy recipes:
- Walnuts with honey in a ratio of 1: 1;
- Raw pumpkin seeds (250 g) and honey (100 g);
- Walnuts with various dried fruits.
- Temperature regime. Hypothermia immediately "hits" the health of unprepared people. Weaknesses will react first. In particular, if there are many prerequisites for prostate inflammation, one should not be surprised by a sad result. You should dress according to the weather, avoid drafts and sudden hypothermia. If possible, you can do body strengthening, but you definitely need to see a doctor.
- Health surveillance. Regular visits to a doctor, not necessarily only a urologist, will ensure the possibility of timely detection of pathology.
These simple suggestions and tips have received a lot of positive feedback from urologists and their patients.